Hi, I'm Reza Fahmi

Hello everyone, and welcome to my web page! I'm delighted to have you here as I embark on a journey of sharing my experiences and thoughts on various subjects. This platform serves as a space where I delve into topics such as data science, quantitative finance, and the creation of data products. I'll also touch upon some of my points of view on life-related subjects.

The content I share is based on my own experiences and opinions. While I strive to provide insights, my views may not represent absolute truth. Like all of us, I believe in the power of self-correction and growth, and my thoughts may evolve and change over time.

I genuinely value your input and welcome your feedback. Feel free to send me a message and share your thoughts. Let's engage in meaningful conversations and learn from each other's perspectives.

Thank you for visiting my web page, and I hope you find inspiration and valuable insights here.



As a data scientist or data product manager, I am driven by the philosophy of solving complex problems that encompass multiple aspects. I strongly believe that the key to resolving such challenges lies in asking the right questions rather than solely relying on algorithms. For each problem, there will be a solution finally, but the right problems might never be found. By thoroughly analyzing behavioral data, conducting comprehensive research, and understanding the diverse objectives involved, I strive to tackle intricate problems effectively. My passion lies in solving complex problems. The domains of quantitative finance and developing recommendations exemplify the complexity and multi-faceted problem I thrive on. I am eager to leverage my skills and philosophy to contribute to meaningful projects and drive impactful outcomes.

Data Science Quantitative Finance

“Analyzing and Optimizing Conversion Rates: Decoding the Dynamics”

Introduction: Are you facing challenges in maximizing your e-commerce conversion rates? You're not alone. Conversion Rates (CR) are the cornerstone...
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Data Science Quantitative Finance System thinking

Quantitative Investing, Recommendation Engines, and Poker: Crafting a Strategy 

Diving into the world of quantitative investing, recommendation engine design, and poker gameplay has become a fascinating journey for me...
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Data Science

Recommendation built by engineers vs. Recommendation built by scientists

Welcome to this exploration of the world of recommendation engines, where we'll dive into the crucial aspect of modeling recommendation...
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Data Science

Customer Segmentation is not clustering!

Introduction: Customer segmentation is a fascinating task that empowers businesses to gain deeper insights into their customers and better understand...
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System thinking

Creativity: Systematic Determinism or Individual Ingenuity

Introduction: In a world where remarkable ideas seem to emerge independently in different minds and cultures, we are faced with...
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Data Science Multimedia

“Art of problem solving with data” Course

  In the fast-paced world of data science and artificial intelligence (AI), it's easy for newcomers to fall into the...
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Quantitative Finance

Feasibility of Arbitrary Return

As a Data Scientist, when I started working on quantitative trading at Eveince, my biggest problem was quantifying the problem’s objective...
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Quantitative Finance

Gambling vs. Risky Decisions

You may hear many dialogues like:” if you don’t gamble, you’ll never win” or “take the risk or lose the...
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Quantitative Finance

Delta Beta instead of Success Rate

Introduction The success rate is a famous and practical metric used in numerous data science and AI applications and research....
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Work Affiliations